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Dr David Martin - The covid vaccine is NOT A Vaccine

Land of the Free
Land of the Free - 1,270 Views
Published on 08 Mar 2021 / In

Short but makes a good point you won't hear in mainstream media.

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2 Comments sort Sort by

EyeQ168 3 years ago

... Plays much better. Thank you, well done.

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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 3 years ago


Our security personnel help keep accurate records to meet compliance mandates and ensure the safety of employees. We can take steps to limit the spread by isolating infected individuals. Our security personnel help with COVID-19 tracking and notification to individuals who may have been exposed. G4S trains employees on how to quickly identify and interact with affected individuals, assist with isolation issues and work with impacted individuals to identify people with whom they have been in close contact.


As part of employers’ pandemic response practices, many are implementing policies and procedures that attempt to ascertain the identities of employees who may have been in close contact with employees diagnosed with COVID-19, or those suspected of having contracted the virus. G4S can help implement best practices to ensure your company handles delicate issues appropriately while following health guidelines. We help you develop sensitive communications such as correspondence templates that notify employees and visitors of exposure while respecting the confidentiality and sensitivities surrounding COVID-19. Our team works with you to help ensure your organization is applying best practices, following proper guidelines and providing a safer environment for employees and visitors.


If you have an existing security access system, you may not realize that it can be used to supplement your contact tracing program. Access systems track an employee or visitor and determine who else was in the same area at the same time. They provide timely information that is critical for contact protocols. You can choose the amount of time to track. If an employee or visitor displays virus symptoms, these tools identify who that person may have come into contact with, and provide the data to notify other individuals who may have been exposed. Ongoing reports are generated to maintain compliance and meet ever-changing regulations. G4S offers electronic visitor management systems to assist with contact tracing. These systems prompt people to answer specific questions related to self-declaration (e.g. have you been in contact with anyone who has displayed symptoms of a fever in the past 14 days?) and are used to alert personnel to any answers that may require secondary screening.

As these systems are designed for employees and visitors to provide basic contact information, they generate a prescribed report showing who was in the building, when they were there and with whom they met. Contact tracing benefits come from the basic information a user would enter when prompted, creating a contact list and a record of compliance about who entered, time of entry and a phone number to reach them.

17 +=+ Your Trusted Security Advisor

Orekoya Ibrahim How G4S Can Help:

As infection control and physical distancing requirements continue, employees need to have work spaces that conform to new standards. Health authorities recommend implementing workplace controls to limit the spread of COVID-19.

Building engineering controls include installing high-efficiency air filters and increasing ventilation rates. Administrative controls include changes to workplace policies and sanitation practices to minimize infection sources as well as providing personal protective equipment. The list of requirements to create a safe workplace can be overwhelming, but G4S can help you implement a comprehensive solution.

{THEY MEAN} Military Machine Guns in MASONIC Code as [High Efficiency] AIR FILTERS being you will be Filtered too DEATH with Military Weapons of (U.N. Troops) in your police and paramilitaries....

FREE MASON Suck my "nonmason" Citizen Populations on this side of FLAT EARTH in our shared CELESTIAL SPHERE, and they are all {G4S} cucks and Slags in your nations POLICE Uniforms whom "beat" you down even though THEY LIVE off of your Citizens TAXES as your Fellow Citizens!!!!

The Rag Tag Rebellion... #COVAXXED [///|||\\\]

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